As you may guess from the update hiatus, the previous concept album didn't take shape in a timely manner. That project started evolving in a different direction (and very slowly, at that), and while something will probably come of it, it may be under of a different name.
Another album is under way, though! I'm deep in the mixing and production process of a set of mostly instrumental tracks with a bit more rhythmic orientation. I think of it as a move in the "Chillout" direction, thought it's certainly not an abandonment of the first album's style.
Just a little teaser as the next album begins to take shape: classical poetry.
I'm not sure exactly when this was released, but I just discovered that Skye is on RJ Lannan's list of the Top 10 Recordings of 2006, over at the New Age Reporter. Needless to say, RJ, this is deeply appreciated.
There have been no big events to report recently, but rather than let this page languish, I'll just give a general update. First, I've added some stories about Athar and Release to the Album page, so have a look. Generally, I've been preoccupied with live, community musical concerns, rather than the electronic frontier. I just landed a part in the chorus of Ruddigore, produced by the Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Austin. I'm also now webmaster for the Hill Country Singers, a community choir with which I'm singing that had no web presence. Finally, a new Longing for Orpheus album is beginning to take shape. It will probably be an EP, rather than a full album (six to nine songs), and will consist primarily of lyrical, verse-chorus songs, in contrast to the instrumental, mixed-form composition of Skye. More details once I have them worked out...
Check out the Longing for Orpheus remix of State of Grace's Christe Redemptor over at AcidPlanet.
At long last, Skye is available through
Amazon. Well, its actually been available there for a while, but now I'm selling it myself, so you don't have to get scalped for $40.
Take a look at the "Album" page. There's now a "Stories" section that explains the meaning and history behind some of the songs from Skye.
The "Blog" link in the menu to the left is new, and the new Weblog is already far-better populated than the one on MySpace.
RJ Lannan has given Skye a glowing review - read it at The New Age Reporter.
Skye is now available for purchase in MP3 form at Soundclick.com.
Brian Douthit, of Eyes of the Poet radio and PerfectlySaid.com, wrote a very positive
review of Skye. Brian is a poet, and contributes greatly to our artistic community. I encourage you to visit his sites:
Eyes of the Poet Radio
Perfectly Said
As you can see, the new site is up. I'd love to hear what you think of it.
As the final news item at the old site, I alluded to a remix of Conjure One's Face the Music. There's a link on the "Media" page that will take you right to it.
Finally, the album is now available at CDBaby.